Sign Up for Free & Unlock Perks

Get Started for FREE & Unlock Exclusive Perks
Unlock worldwide shipping from the US and save up to 80% on shipping costs with PostFromUs.
Sign up for free now and receive:
- A $5 USD Amazon gift card with your first shipment.
- 10% OFF shipping fees.

How It Works?
3 Easy Steps to Global Shopping Freedom
Grab Your FREE U.S. Address
- Zero Fees: Sign up for free, no strings attached.
- Instant Access: Get your unique U.S. shipping address

Shop from U.S. Stores Like a Pro
- Exclusive Access:Use your free PostFromUS address for unrestricted shopping.
- Checkout Ease: Enter your PostFromUS address into the retailer's 'delivery address' box.
Ship Internationally Without the Hassle
- Package Consolidation: Combine up to 5 packages into a single international shipment.
- Affordable Rates: Save big on international shipping charges.

What Is PostFromUS?
PostFromUS is a parcel forwarding service designed to get your online shopping packages delivered almost anywhere in the world to you in a simple, safe, and cost-effective way. It’s completely free to create an account and get your PostFromUS address!
We are committed to transparency and fairness by declaring all costs upfront, including package add-ons, and offering ways to save on your packages like consolidation. We put our customers first with a user-friendly system and straightforward pricing, making sure shoppers have convenient access to getting their packages shipped to them.
Our customer support team is always available if you have questions on setting up your account or with the shipping process.
We are committed to transparency and fairness by declaring all costs upfront, including package add-ons, and offering ways to save on your packages like consolidation. We put our customers first with a user-friendly system and straightforward pricing, making sure shoppers have convenient access to getting their packages shipped to them.
Our customer support team is always available if you have questions on setting up your account or with the shipping process.