If You’re Interested In Getting An Estimate For Shipping Rates, Please Use Our International Shipping Calculator.

Services Price Description
Creating a PostFromUS account FREE You can sign up for PostFromUS and receive a US Shipping address for free!
Handling Fee $7 per outbound package
Standard Consolidation $8 per component package We will automatically calculate the total size and weight of your packages in their original sealed packaging and consolidate them into the smallest possible amount of boxes.
Repacking $1 per component package Your stored packages will be opened and repacked into the smallest amount of boxes that your items will allow, to reduce space and cost. This may take up to a few hours to process.
Express Processing $3 We'll process your package within two hours of payment instead of the standard 72 hours.
Gift Wrapping $4 We'll repackage your items into the smallest box possible, saving you space and money.
Fragile/Secure Packaging $5 We'll repack your items with high-quality shipping materials to ensure that your package is protected.
Additional Services
Extra Picture $5 At your request we'll take more detailed pictures of a package from your PostBox.
Overweight Packages Varies Overweight packages are subject to a surcharge.
Special Requests Varies We do our best to accommodate special or custom requests for your package. Once the request is reviewed, we'll confirm whether your request can be completed and then provide you with a price.